You are attempting, alongside others, to orchestrate a leadership coup by seizing control of two branches of government—authority that you do not possess. Elon Musk is not an elected official, nor does he have any legal standing to influence governmental agencies. Such power belongs solely to officials elected by the people, as required by law — unless, of course, you are modeling governance after authoritarian regimes like Russia or China, which, last I checked, is not the United States.
Given your repeated disregard for the laws of this nation, you are unfit to lead even a local Rotary Club, let alone serve as President of the United States. You are the first felon to hold this office, and your crimes against our citizens, government, and Constitution have not gone unnoticed.
Preparations are already underway in the U.S. House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings. Despite any illusions of control, you do not command the House or the Senate — both remain independent from your executive branch authority. The separation of powers was established precisely to prevent individuals like you from acting with impunity.
To clarify a basic principle of governance, which most third graders understand, but which you seem to struggle with:
The Executive Branch enforces laws, negotiates treaties, makes federal appointments, and holds veto power. That’s it. This office does not grant absolute authority.
The Legislative Branch creates laws, controls government spending, declares war, approves treaties, and—perhaps most notably — impeaches and removes officials from office.
The Judicial Branch interprets the law and ensures its application remains constitutional. These checks and balances exist to prevent any single branch, including the presidency, from consolidating unchecked power.
Do you understand your role yet? When you leave office in 2028, we will ensure that no government official may serve past the standard retirement age. That includes the Supreme Court — lifetime appointments will soon be a thing of the past as the will of the country.
Whether or not you can comprehend these realities, your time in office is limited. The American people are not your subjects, and this country is not your personal domain. You hold no absolute power, and soon, you will hold none at all.
Good day,
We The People